Saturday, 23 May 2015

Blog Challenge! Day 1!

To get us back in the swing of blogging again, I am attempting a blogger challenge.

12 Day Blog Challenge Day 1
Why do you blog? Tell us 5 random facts about yourself.

I started blogging about 6 years ago when I was at university. I was in an emotionally destructive relationship that was all consuming. I literally gave my life up, all my hobbies, all my friends. For some reason it seemed like it was worth it. I started blogging privately, it was essentially a creative writing piece where I wrote about the life I longed for, the life I wished I had. This after I got the hell out of said relationship and while my mental health was in tatters. In 2010 after a year of serious hard work to get myself back on track, a childhood friend and I realised that we'd been crazy for each other for quite some time, and 11 months later we got married, with our son, Charles following less than 3 months later. I was living the life I had longed for, all that time. I had a husband who was my best friend, who emotionally nurtured me and raised me up. I had a beautiful son who I quickly realised was the reason to keep going when my somewhat temperamental demons threatened my mental health again. I clawed my way back to a sound mind with lots of love and support and a bit of Prozac! 
Life has got in the way of blogging since I became a mother, I've been back to it on and off and always dreamed of it being a online baby book but it just hasn't happened like that. Especially since our daughter Ellizabeth joined us in 2014, there has literally been no time to sit and write. When I was unhappy, I wrote a lot. Now I'm happy, so I don't write so much. It's a bit sad really. 

I'm starting blogging again because I want to document my life, in a raw, real and honest way. We've chosen to parent our children in a certain way, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Sometimes, like tonight when it takes 1,5 hours for them both to fall asleep, I question myself and doubt myself. But tomorrow, I'll be reminded why natural parenting is the right thing for us, and why I love it so much. Parenting is a rollercoaster, it's up and down. It's not perfect, my mission in life is to be 'good enough'. 

Five Random Facts About Me!
  1. Before I started dating my husband, I had big plans to qualify as a nurse and travel round America. I wanted to nurse in every state. They have big tax breaks for UK trained nurses. I also planned to have a family through a sperm donor while I was out there. I even had names picked out, Barnaby Martin and Bryany-Rae. 
  2. I really want to adopt from Haiti. Ever since I was 15, I've felt a total calling to adopt internationally, ever time I see posts from an orphanage over there the call gets stronger. I don't know if God has this in His plan for our family. Currently adoptions from Haiti to the UK are banned (there was an earthquake in 2010, and everything, of course, went tits up!) and there no plans to recede this ban anytime soon. I am hoping that by the time I am 30, (lower age limit for Haitian adoptions) that the ban will have been lifted, and God's plan will be made clear. 
  3. I volunteered in Kenya when I was 17. I met a little girl called Manhawana (pronounced Men-How-Ah) and she changed my life. I knew from that moment that I was meant to be a adoptive mother, some day. 
  4. I've known my husband since I was 6 years old. Our families went to church together, and it was truly God's work how we ended up going to the same church, becoming friends and then falling in love. 
  5. My biggest ambition in life is to own a farm, and have the ability to be self sufficient. 

Mama x

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